I was invited to go to a commissioners meeting this week to
talk about TLAB. It was also the first time the teen library advisory board was
invited to talk about what TLAB to the high ups. I had to present something. The
teens had to present something. No powerpoint presentation. Mind you, this was
happening really fast. We were given 30 minutes to speak, and this was my first
time speaking in front of the big guns. Now, talking in front of teens and
youth is fairly easy for me, but talking in front of a room full of adults is
something I get nervous about. Oh, and it was going to be televised. It is one
thing doing storytime live, but for there to be a record of my presentation
somewhere in the cloud…worrisome.
I write, and write, and try to think of stories as a way to
talk about how I re-started up TLAB. If I had visuals, it would help illustrate
my stories, so I brought along a folder. Good thing I enjoy talking lots and
lots of pics of every teen program I’ve done!
Then I practiced, and practiced, and it felt like I was
going in for an interview. I wasn’t sure what questions the stakeholders were
going to be asking, but I knew I better be somewhat prepared. I felt so bad for
the teens because it turned out that they only asked the teens questions! They
did great though, like I knew they would, and I hope the commissioners’ meeting
was a good experience for them as it was for me. Some support. Some advice.
Another first, for me and TLAB.
That must've been hard to do. Public speaking can be very nerve-racking and can make you feel uncomfortable (especially to executive-type figures who you don't know). Glad to hear it all worked out for the best! :D