Thursday, December 3, 2015

Wealthy Patron of the Day

I helped an elderly couple find a specific article about a device that was named one of Time magazine’s best inventions* of 2015. I asked the typical reference questions to try to locate it and, when I thought I had it, I started to read it to them. The man said that that was his grandson’s invention. I turned to him and thought, “That’s so awesome”. And they looked so proud, too…and wealthy. Then, the woman told me the whole story of how this device was helping other people, and then I just felt in awe that their grandson was like a celebrity of this town.

*The picture is not the aforementioned invention of this story.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

International Games Day

International Games Day is here! We had not just one, but TWO days of game playing for all teens. We had a bunch of card games, video games, board games, online gaming happening in three different locations, and all staffed by the community center staff, TLAB teens and myself. We had snacks to refuel. We had prizes raffled. It was lots of marketing, because it never was done here before, and I was determined to get new teens to come to this event.

On day one, I was dragged by the teens to play Just Dance 2015, one of the Xbox One kinect games. I was horrible. The girls were good, and I was trying to keep up, but I could not understand the timing, even though I do like playing rhythm games with an actual controller. So your body is the controller, which I’ve never done before, but some of the girls had and were being very nice to me and each other, which was good to see.

The teens were so supportive about my lack of skills, and I was just hoping not to mess them up, or step on their toes because there were 6 of us in a line looking at the same projector screen. The song they chose was Katy Perry's Dark Horse, which I know the song, but damn that was hard to dance to! I kept saying, What is going on?! I thanked one of the TLAB teens for helping me try something new.

Monday, October 5, 2015


A teen came up to me today as she shouted, “Where have you been!” I whipped around to see who was not using their library voice. It was a teen from my teen programs that I knew. She said she hadn't seen me in a week. A week? Apparently, I haven’t been around the Teen Zone in a minute, so I told her I’ve been, you know, busy. Which I have been lately with T-LAB and this being our second week in interviews. Almost done! Anyways, back to my original story… so this teen said she had to tell me something, as we both headed outside of the room.

It sounded serious cause she lowered her voice as she looked around. She said there’s this point system at her school, and you have to get a certain amount of points, 84 points is the minimum, and long story short, she made the Honor Roll! Now, this is amazing considering the fact that she told me before that she just transferred from NY, didn’t know a single person at her new school, entered school a week or so after everybody else started their first day of school, and I remember she was so nervous. I told her how happy and proud I was of her. I said, “Look at you! Doing really good in school, and making the Honor Roll when you just started…haha, High-five!” We high-fived, and she told me that she just had to tell me next time she saw me. So sweet she thought of telling me that.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Teen Advisory Board interviews- Day 1

Today was the first day of interviews for our Teen Library Advisory Board! Remember, I have never interviewed from scratch before so this is different. We had over 30 applicants for our teen library advisory board, which was really awesome! Then we narrowed it down to 22 hopefuls who will be apart of this board. For the next 2 weeks, we will be interviewing teens who will be competing for officer spots. This town is already very competitive by nature so this is going to be interesting.

Day 1 went well. There were a few regulars that I knew pretty well because they go to our teen programs. I was silently rooting them on, “You can do it!” Some teens I was worried about because I know how reserved they are, but I thought they did a good job. Some were obviously very nervous- one girl was shaking, and I felt so bad for her! Later on she warmed up to us. Hearing them talk about how they/their friends would describe themselves was probably the most interesting and eye-opening part. These kids are really hard on themselves. They all have such different personalities, yet they have so much in common.

Through the whole process, I am trying to stay optimistic. They are good kids, and some of them probably will stick around for the school year if their friends are with them. My boss wants the best of the best on our board, and so do I. But so far, from day 1, they are all great candidates! How am I going to only choose a few spots for officers? How am I going to do this over the next 2 weeks? Day 2 of interviews is tomorrow, and I'm hoping it gets easier. *Sigh* What was I thinking? :)

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Do What Makes You Happy

I really enjoy thinking of teen programs or events to do. And if the program or whatever I’m working on is a success, even better. It is always nice to hear good things from upper management. Yesterday, the library director where I work, whom I never really see because she works at a different building, came by my desk. She said that she liked what I was doing for Banned Books Week and my display. Can I just say that that made me feel like I am doing good, and that my ideas are good. I feel good! I will do more of what makes me happy.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Blind Date with a Banned Book

This week is Banned Books Week! Why not go on a blind date with a “bad” book?  This year’s theme pays attention to teen books that have been banned in the past, but now we have the freedom to read. I actually started the display a little too early and I ran out of banned teen titles to display because the teens were checking them out faster than I was putting them on display. This is a good problem though.

Here is the display that I did for the Teen Zone at 2 branches. See the CAUTION yellow tape? That is what I wrapped the teen books in. I also included a review sheet that is wrapped around the middle; asking for their review of the book. If they write a review and submit it, they get a chance to win a prize. My coworker also helped wrap up books for her branch, and I think the banned books look awesome!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

TV/Film studio visit

Yesterday I visited a TV/Film studio! I was given a tour of the whole studio. There was a large interviewing table in the front, and I kept thinking of anchormen, or anchorwomen, and people that I watched on tv doing the news, like Frank Somerville. There were even teleprompters, and then I started thinking of something going extremely wrong, like being on air live and there are no words! I am not sure if I could do something like be on tv live, which they explained it would be very live, with no second delay, and that is some pressure.

I learned about the cable access tv stations in the area, and what kinds of shows are shot on each of them. My tour started out on the main set where a super large green screen was the backdrop. I had always seen these green screens on behind the scenes youtube videos, and it looks really neon green in person.

There were oodles of props. Props of flowers, hats, seats of different shapes, tables in the shape of huge hands for no apparent reason, and extra windows!

This is a photo of the switchboard they had. Teens signed up to join their local tv station to learn how to use their high quality cameras, how to direct, edit footage, be in front of the camera, and talk about a real life issue that they feel is important to them. The teens of this program will also be videotaping and interviewing people at the library. I am ready for my close-up!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Patron of the Day- Game edition

I always wear this gaming lanyard that features Super Smash Bros. characters, and there’s a young boy who is a regular who always talks about games with me. Today this was what he said to me:
Boy (points at my lanyard): You know, I’m gonna get that Super Smash Bros. game for xmas this year.
Me: You already know what you are getting for xmas?
Boy: Yeah. I put it on my xmas list.
Me: Oh yeah. Who’s your fav. character?
Boy (big eyes widen even more): I’m gonna play as MEGA MAN… ALL… THE… TIME!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Lost phone

I found a cell phone left at a PC so I took it downstairs. I thought I could look and see if I could call someone from his/her address book. This always makes me nervous because you never know what kinds of personal information I would come across and later regret seeing. I had no idea what age this person was, but I had found a “mom” entry, so I decided to call that number.
Lady: Hello?
Me: Hi. My name is Gina and I am from the *Salem Library. I think your son might have lost his phone here.
Lady: Oh. Well, aren’t you sweet. Thank you.
Me: I thought to call you. Do you know a way to contact him?
Lady: Well, (laughs) I am in Fresno, and where did you say you are at?
Me: Oh, I actually know where that’s at. I am in *Salem City.
Lady: What did you say your name is?
Me: My name is Gina. I’m a librarian here.
Lady: Well, sweetie, thank you. He does mention going over to that library. You know what, I’ll call his friend. Thank you, sweetie. God bless you.
Me: Thank you. Have a good night!

One minute later… A man comes up to the desk asking for his phone.
Man: I think I lost my phone.
Me: I just called your mom.
Man: You did? Thank you. What is your name?
Me: My name is Gina.
Man: Thank you, Gina.
Me: Your mom sounds really nice.

*all names changed for fun

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Patron of the Day- teen edition

I meet a lot of different types of teens during our teen programs. One of the teens I recently met this school year is a good artist. She shares with me her sketches whenever I see her, and one time she asked what I thought about a series of characters, and wanted to know which I liked the best. I felt honored that she wanted my opinion since I can’t draw for anything. She drew 10 or so of the same character in different ways. We talked about heroes, villains, storyboards, and she was drawing on the back of scratch paper. I mentioned there’s this one paper that already has the lines drawn in for you that way you don’t have to draw those in.

Yesterday, I saw her at our program and I gave her a couple pieces of storyboard paper leftover from a past teen drawing program, and told her that this was the storyboard paper I was talking about the other time. She thanked me for the paper, then I handed her another folded paper. I also had made her a birthday card since she casually mentioned that it was going to be her bday soon- well, it wasn’t really a birthday card, but I do this thing for my family and friends where I actually photoshop a picture since I can’t draw and am cheap, on folded 8.5x11” paper that I think they might like, and then I’d write my personal message in the inside. It is kinda cheap looking too, but it is my thing that I do for people, and they seem to like it so I just kept doing it for years.

Anyways, I made and handed this teen a folded birthday card with a picture based from one of the characters that I thought she might like. She unfolded the birthday card and she said, “OMG! That is awesome! Look, that’s like that character and it is holding a small cake…hahaha…how did you know?” and before I could respond again, she gave me a hug, and thanked me again. I felt really happy that she was happy with my cheap looking birthday card. She told me that September 12th is her birthday, which is today, so I hope she is having a good time celebrating.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

2 years later...

I started writing in my blog again because not only do I like to write and share with others what it is I do for work, but because I was asked by a special someone why I hadn’t blogged in awhile. I actually don’t remember why I stopped, but I do know that a lot has changed in 2 years. I wouldn’t have been able to get through any of the changes in my life without the love and endless support of my husband. I don’t always know how he does it, but he makes me often feel like the luckiest person. Now I found the job of my dreams, I’m a fulltime Teen Librarian, and I believe this is where I want to be.

This is what I have always wanted to do once I started taking my graduate courses, and learning in the field at different library systems. I’m still learning and being trained on things like software systems and applications. Even today I learned another layer of my job position, which also brings more responsibilities and power. Awesome. I got my latest position this past April, which ironically was also the time I planned on getting married. I didn’t plan on this job coming along, but I knew I had to take the teen librarian position when it was presented to me. Best decision ever.  

I’m also much busier than I thought I would be. This also means that I may not write on this blog all the time, but I will when I can. I am thankful all the time for what I have in my life, and what I have accomplished because you won’t believe how long it took me to get in this position. Let’s see what I can accomplish in another 2 years…