As some of you may know, I also clerk at the library. So,
today I was at the circulation desk when a lady and her child zoomed past a
line of two people waiting and approached my desk…
Lady (in a rush): Hi, my card isn’t working.
Me: You know, you just cut those people off in line.
(I gestured to the woman next to us.)
Lady (not looking up at me): Oh.
Me: Ok, you see that sign over there… (waiting for her to
look at me or the sign… then FINALLY looks up)… that’s the line, and you just
cut in line in front of those people.
Lady (irritated): Well, I didn’t see her.
(I looked over to the next person in line who is now being
helped by my co-worker)
Me: You say your card isn’t working?
Lady (looking at me now): Yes. I don’t know why.
Me: It isn’t working because you owe fines that add up to X
amount of dollars. You need to pay some of it to checkout.
Lady (mad): I don’t have the money right now.
Me: Then I can’t help you right now.
Lady walks away sad.