Friday, September 28, 2012

I Love Basketball

Patron of the Day

I love basketball. I love playing it, watching it, and apparently talking about it at work. One boy was asking me if we had any books on basketball.
I asked him, “Do you want to read a story with basketball in it? Or do you want to read about a certain team, or how to play the sport?”
He answered, “Team. Well, do you guys have any books about the Lakers?”
I asked while searching the catalog, “Who’s your favorite player from the Lakers? Wait. Let me guess… Kobe.”
He smiled really big, “Yeah, he’s good.”
I joked, “Man, everybody likes Kobe.”
He asked after a quiet minute, “Who do you like?”
I told him, “I’m a big Lebron fan… Kobe’s aight.”
He chuckled, “Well, I’m sad we’re missing them play in the Olympics right now.”
I agreed, “I know! Let’s hurry and get you these books then.”
As I was walking him to the stacks, he added, “Well, actually I think the best player of all time is Michael Jordan.”
I smiled, “Now THAT’S someone we can both agree on.”

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Some Potty Humor...

Patron of the Day

I was watching a lady inch her way to the reference desk. She was smiling and seemed like such a sweet lady. I was clearing off some books when she finally reached the desk, “Excuse me miss. Where are your movies on travel? I’m supposed to go over to the *pffffffffffft*….” OMG. This lady just totally farted mid-sentence while looking deeply into my eyes! I couldn’t look away, laugh, or do anything. What surprised me the most was how long it lasted. It sounded like it was going to be a messy one, too. I had to just stand there and pretend to not hear any noises. I was frozen and had missed everything else she said after! I felt so bad but I had to ask, “Uh… what place are you going to again?” I walked her over to the DVD section, making sure I was a little bit ahead of her.